Last transfer + a call for your best jokes

Now, before y’all think I’ve gone rogue emailing on Tuesday, Monday was Martin Luther King Jr Day, so all the libraries were closed. Our mission president asked that we email Tuesday after the transfer meeting instead.

Unfortunately, this past Sunday Sister Sevy finished her 18 months on her mission, headed for the mission home in Macon and on Monday she flew back home to California! I ended up staying with Sister Jeppson and Sister Barry (I needed babysitters) and was able to spend a couple days with them until I got my new companion–Sister Frandsen!

Hiking on Pday at Fort Pulaski with Sister Jeppson (not pictured is her companion Sister Barry, Elder Fadely and Elder Wilkins)

Hiking on Pday at Fort Pulaski with Sister Jeppson (not pictured is her companion Sister Barry, Elder Fadely and Elder Wilkins)

The view at the end of the hike--if we hit it at low tide we could be able to hike all the way to the lighthouse and go inside, but we went at high tide so the trail was flooded ​

The view at the end of the hike–if we hit it at low tide we could be able to hike all the way to the lighthouse and go inside, but we went at high tide so the trail was flooded

So many miracles happened this week!! Some of them will have to wait to tell until it pans out :) But one investigator, in our last lesson, told us that she loves it when we come over because when we’re there, she feels so good about herself and has more confidence- she said she knows its from Heavenly Father and that she can’t wait to be baptized so she can get the Gift of the Holy Ghost and have that feeling all the time :) I love her!!

I love y’​all!
Sister Waddoups

PS please send on any and all jokes you have! I would love to hear your favorites :)